Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh Boys....

Being a mom has really kept me on my toes. You never now what is going to happen. Owen and Logan are amazing little boys and are great entertainers already. Here are a couple funny conversations and incidences that have happened lately...

-Owen- 2 1/2 years
"I'm a snake, a discusting, gross snake!" - he has a large vocabulary already at 2 1/2!

After Owen used the restroom, I was helping him get dressed.
The following conversation was had..
Me: Put your pants on.
Owen: No, I'm ok.
Me: No, really put your pants on.
Owen: No mommy, really I'M GOOD!
This went on for atleast 5 minutes. Eventually I won.

Owen: Come here mommy, I have a question for you.
Me: Ok, what Owen?
Owen: No closer so I can whisper it in your ear.
Me: Ok, here I am, what?
Owen: I love you SO much mommy, your my friend.
Me: Just about melted into the floor. What a sweetie!

Owen: Mommy, Morgan ( our friend's little girl) is my friend.
I love her. Morgan misses me.
Me: Oh man. Lock him up now.

This morning after I feed Logan his bottle I entered the kitchen
to my great amazement of salt and pepper all over the floor and
counter. How could this be? Owen of course. There he was
standing on a chair at the counter shaking each spice out in great
vigor and then using his finger to "draw in the sand." All I could
do was laugh and start cleaning it up, with Owen's help of course.

-Logan- 5 1/2 months
What a happy little boy he is! He only fusses if he's tired, hungry or has a gasy tummy. We have truely been blessed to have two wonderful little boys. Logan is very misterious though. He seems to just sit back and take everything in very quietly. He does have his loud moments though. He is very tickelish and laughs uncontrolably when his neck is kissed and chest/tummy rubbed. His laugh is very pure and joyous. He makes us all laugh with him. He loves watching
his big brother and who ever is NOT holding him (which drives his Papa Noteboom crazy!). He will be dedicated at our church, JEFC, on Mother's Day Sunday, May 10th, 2009. Logan is still trying to master the very important skill of eating solid foods. He started rice cereal and has worn more than he was eatten, but he is getting better. We are all still waiting to see Logan roll over. He has done both direction only once, weeks ago. We all think he's just enjoying watching us encourage him with lots of excitement. He gets so close then flops back over, the whole time just smiling and grining at us as if saying, "haha, gotch ya!" I think it will be sometime soon though.

As you can see, Owen and Logan keep us on our toes. While these are just a couple things that have happened lately, rest assured that there have been MANY more, too many to comment on and share. Hopefully I can keep up with them and keep you all posted.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny about the spices. My mom said I did the same thing when I was little, except I was making a pizza! I hope my kids never get quite that creative.:)
