Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Owen - Almost 3 years!

It has literally taken Curtis and I back just thinking about Owen turning 3 in a couple of months. We can't believe that the years have gone by so quickly. Everyone tells you they do, but you truly don't understand it until it's gone by.

You would have to meet Owen to truly understand his creativity and uniqueness (well, understand him as much as someone could understand a toddler). He has a large vocabulary and sense of humor. He makes Curtis and I laugh everyday with the things that he says.

He is a very busy little boy. Here are somethings that he enjoys doing as an almost 3 year old:

1. Sing songs - Jesus Loves Me, You are My Sunshine, Mary had a Little Lamb, Adolvice (from The Sound of Music), and the ABC's to name of few of his favorites.

2. Play outside in the backyard - He can his a ball being pitched to him, he doesn't like using the T anymore. He can really hit a hard one.

3. Playing at the Splash park and Papa & Nana's pool - he LOVES the water!

4. Riding his big boy bike - He learned how to ride it at a near by school parking lot. He loves wearing his bike helmet. For days we couldn't get him to take it off.
5. Listen to and tell made up stories - His stories usually start out "Once there was a little boy named daddy" and end in some activity that he likes to do. He loves hearing Curtis' elaborate stories about Thomas the Train, Daddy and Owen.

6. Playing magician - Making things "disappear" by throwing them across the room. It's hysterical. He loves seeing your reaction when you pretend to be surprised.

Most of all he loves his family. He loves playing with Logan and showing him how to use toys. He's very protective of him as well. He makes sure he doesn't get too close to the stairs, cords or anything too heavy. He also tells him to hold on tight to the shopping cart so he doesn't get hurt. He loves his baby brother. He likes to crawl into Logan's crib with him and sweet talk to him in the morning and after nap times.
Owen tells Curtis and I "You're the best mommy/daddy in my whole wide world." How can you not love such a loving little boy. He's growing up so fast, we pray God would continue to bless
him as he grows and that Owen would accept his 'Big Jesus' at an early age.

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